Lineox Releases Lineox Enterprise Linux 4.0 25. Feb. 2005 Lineox has released today Lineox Enterprise Linux 4.0 which is built from the source packages available from Lineox has replaced some graphics files and changed or replaced some other files mainly because of trademark issues while retaining full compatibility. This release includes also updated packages which were built from 28 source packages available from Lineox expects to release the x86_64 version next week. Because Fedora Core 3 and Beta 2 of the product on which Lineox Enterprise Linux 4.0 is based were released almost simultaneously and 1216 of the 1398 packages in Beta 2 are exactly the same, Lineox encourages Fedora Core 3 users to upgrade their "beta quality" Linux to the stable version offered by Lineox. Pricing and availability A bittorent for CD binary iso files is available from Lineox download page at Please leave your download client running after the download is complete (with ports 6881-6889 open) as your client will become part of the peer to peer bittorrent network and reduce the load on our network mirrors. Most of the disk images are also already available from our mirrors via http, ftp and rsync. 4 CD-R set and DVD+D are available from Lineox at 14.90 Euros. About Lineox Although a young company, Lineox founders have made Finnish localized Linux distributions ranging from the first one to the predecessor of Lineox Enterprise Linux 3.0, which reached about 70 to 90% share of Finnish Linux retail market. Trademarks "Lineox" is a registered trademark of Lineox, Inc. "Linux" is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.